
Häufige Fragen

What does 20-year durability on sterile dressing materials from SÖHNGEN® mean?

Sterile dressing materials from SÖHNGEN® have a shelf life of 20 years from the date of manufacture, provided the sterile packaging is undamaged and stored properly. Relevant literature and standards works summarize the state of the art as follows: the loss of sterility is considered to be event-related and not time-related - that is, specifically: due to opening or damage to the packaging. Therefore, sterile products require careful handling and storage. First aid containers from SÖHNGEN® are exemplary in this respect. Common wound plasters do not come under the heading of sterile dressing materials. The usability here, especially with regard to adhesive strength, depends on the storage temperature. The adhesive strength of the plasters should be checked regularly.

What equipment is recommended for my company?

DIN standards only contain a conceivable recommendation as a basis for the company first aid system. Here, DIN 13157 and DIN 13169 can be regarded as basic equipment. However, depending on the risk of accidents in the individual sectors, it is recommended to acquire needs-oriented first aid equipment. ASR A4.3 - Point 4, Table 1 / Table 3  
Betriebsart Anzahl der Mitarbeiter Kleiner Verbandkasten DIN 13157 Großer Verbandkasten DIN 13269
Verwaltungs- und Handelsbetriebe 1 bis 50 Mitarbeiter 1
51 bis 300 Mitarbeiter 1
je weitere 300 Mitarbeiter zusätzlich 1
Herstellungs- und Verarbeitungsbetriebe 1 bis 20 Mitarbeiter 1
21 bis 100 Mitarbeiter 1
je weiter 100 Mitarbeiter zusätzlich 1
Baustellen 1 bis 10 Mitarbeiter 1
11 bis 50 Mitarbeiter 1
je weitere 50 Mitarbeiter zusätzlich 1

What are the first aid equipment requirements for schools and kindergartens?

Schools, kindergartens and daycare centers are considered workplaces just like any administrative or industrial operation and are therefore subject to the same Technical Rules for Workplaces (ASR). The equipment required depends on the number of employees and other potential hazards. Since there is no standard for first aid fillings in the area of children and adolescents, we have compiled a selection of products based on the most common causes of accidents that provide the user with the best possible first aid for external wounds/injuries in children and adolescents. However, these fillings do not replace the requirements of DIN 13157 / 13169 for employees in the respective company.

Where can I find tables of contents for the products?

You can find tables of contents of our products in the download area under "Tables of contents".

W.Söhngen GmbH
Platter Straße 84
65232 Taunusstein

CEO: Andreas Harms


SÖHNGEN is part of
Protect Medical Holding GmbH



All contents © 2001-2025 Soehngen. All rights reserved.